Sunday, June 15

Happy Father's Day!

This morning, Ellie & I went to first service at church, so she could attend Roots, our Sunday school program and I was scheduled to serve in the nursery. Billy stayed home with Jack and Amelia and planned to come down for 2nd service (as we always meet Tony just before to give him the kids).

While at home, Billy was coaching Jack on how to say "Happy Father's Day!" to Tony when they saw him. Jack would respond, "Happy Birthday!" Billy tried again, "Happy Father's Day!" And after a couple of tries Jack caught on and said, "Happy Father's Day!" They arrived to church, and when Tony came, Jack ran over to his dad and shouted "Happy Valentines' Day!" Tony said with a grin, "Good enough, buddy. Thank you!"

It's stories like this that I don't ever want to forget, and I love having this blog to journal them and share them with others. These darn kids are so funny - and grow up so fast.

Wednesday, June 11

Jack's Backyard Haircut

It was really hot the other night and after playing outside most of the day, Jack's hair was looking pretty nasty. All sweaty and sticking to his head and neck - so I decided to bring the clippers out - and like trimming the cows for show - we trimmed up Jack's hair. His dad isn't a huge fan, but it'll grow - and it looks nice and cool for summer.

Amelia's First Bow

So, by no surprise to most of the folks that know me - I'm not a big fan of bows and frilly girl stuff. I like cute - but not ruffly, over-the-top bows & dresses and that sort of thing. But my friend, Suzanne, just had her first baby girl - and is very excited about bows and the like. When I went to visit her and the new baby, she did get me sold on this one bow - and gave me one for Amelia. She's wearing it here in this picture. I think it's the neon colors, and the curly cue thing that gets me. And it's practical, b/c it stays in really well and eventually will hold her hair back out of her eyes.

Jack at Bam Bam Baseball

Jack is old enough this year to play Bam Bam Baseball, which is for 3-4 year olds. They hit a large kickball with a large plastic bat off of 2 coffee cans taped together. It teaches them how to run bases, take turns, and team sports. It's pretty funny to watch.

This first video is of Jack taking his turn fielding the ball. You see he runs after it, and then is really infatuated with the ball. It has Superheroes on it! The entire game, he was looking at the different superheroes. Billy said he even had to have the ball moved around so he could see Spiderman before he hit the ball of the 'T' - hilarious! Hopefully they'll get a Care Bear ball or something this next week.

The 2nd video is of him taking his turn at bat. He has a nice hit, but you can kind of see that he is running to field his own ball, before the coaches steer him to first base. He probably wanted to make sure Spiderman was alright.