Saturday, December 11

Day with Two Kids

Flynn Rider, Rapunzel, and crew!

Billy set off to Arkansas this morning with the two little girls. His Grandpa Faubus passed away and so he went down for a couple of days to spend time with his family. The big kids and I stayed back because we have other things going on, and I have to man the deli on Monday.

Anyways, Ellie and Jack set off this morning to run some errands (despite the slick roads). I really enjoyed my time with them. They are at an age (most times!) that they can shop and run errands while be helpful and not whining and asking for a million things. It was a pleasure to take them out for lunch and to a movie - because I wanted to and surprised them, and not because they whined and begged for it!

It was such a joy to just sit and eat with them without rushing or fighting. Picking or fighting. I just sat and talked with them and stared at them. They are growing up so fast... am I hurrying them up too much? I hope my sacrifices now don't become a regret later. I believe I'm making the right choices for us as a family and so my kids can grow to see what it means to go after their dreams, give back to their community, and most of all have a Christ-centered life.

The continual dilemma of a parent!

Thursday, December 9

Kids Concerts

Ellie is in the 2nd row in the middle wearing a black dress, next to the striped sweater boy.
She has a headband on, so her hair is pulled back.
Fun song and actions to Somebody Snitched on Me!"

Jack is front row, wearing a black shirt. He's near the piano player's head. It's funny to watch him check out the other kids for all the actions.
But overall, an active participant! Nicely done for first year!

Ellie's First Piano Recital at the Ballard Creek Senior Center.
This is her teacher, Ronda Ceynar, accompanying her.

Tour Of Homes

Our local community group, HERO has done a Holiday Tour of Homes for the past few years. Each year I've been on the committee, and have wanted to be on the tour. Well, this was my year! In the midst of all the commotion, this was a nice way for me to retreat. Decorating for Christmas! I've had a fun theme in my head for years, and even though I didn't quite pull it all off - I really liked my results. The event raised over $1000 for two local charities here in Huxley. Here are a few pictures from that day, December 5, 2010:

Our big tree in the Great Room. Full of fun feathers, glitter & sequins in pink, aqua and lime green! This was my favorite to put together.

The windows hold wreaths and are adorned with green foil garland.

My dad made our mantel and got it installed, so I was able to set pretty stuff above the fireplace. Yeah!!

I have a collection of Christmas plates that are beautifully displayed in my buffet

Table setting, featuring my pink and silver china

More feathers! And this beautiful pink poinsettia!

Ellie's Room has a black & white theme with splashes of aqua and pink

I received the most compliments on my light trees along the basement wall.

One of 7 wreaths my mom put together for me. Feathers are my favorite!

Jack's tree is a "HUNT, FISH, CAMP" theme

Kids bathroom blue w/ snowflakes

The little girls room is, of course, pink!

My bedroom is done in browns and golds


Evelyn as the chicken this year. She didn't go Trick or Treating with the kids, but did go to some store with our daycare provider. She was adorable!

Dead Pirate Ghost & a Pop Star

Ballerina Witch & the crazy blue hair pop star!

Billy and I had commitments at church this year, so we didn't get to dress up at all! We missed my sister's big Halloween bash, and any others that were around town. But it was worth it - we had a great Alpha Retreat weekend.

Updates needed!

Okay - so Facebook has officially taken over my life and my blogging. Bummer - sad to say. But I need to take time to put things here too, where it'll last forever ... as opposed to Facebook and it's gone in a day or two.


Billy: On October 1st, he became officially unemployed in the corporate world and took the leap to open his dream of a "restaurant!" I also joined - and fulfilled my lifelong dream of owning my own business with my own product. We are thrilled with our opportunity to open B Fabulous BBQ & Catering in the local grocery store here in town. We are kind of like the deli. With hot, fresh lunch and dinner. We are open Monday - Friday from 10:30AM - 6:30PM. All the details are at our website at

We've been getting rave reviews and have lots of loyal customers. Billy is working 12 hr days most days, but we are working on getting someone trained to close, so he can be home at 5pm. I am going up 3-4 days a week in the mornings thru lunch. Our Pulled Pork is a staple, along with fresh sides. Brisket and Ribs are requested often and we try to get them worked into the lunch special every 7 days or so.

Overall, we are thrilled with our results! It was a scary leap of faith, but a very prayerful decision. Lots of support from family and friends - and we can't say THANK YOU enough!

Tony & Jana Shepherd helping us at Prairie Festival this summer

Deanna: I'm a bit nuts these days. Trying to cook at the store, do the financials & marketing ... plus still do Pampered Chef at the level that I've always done. Oh yeah- four kids & a household too! Least to say, something has to give! Right now it's my eating habits and sanity. January 2011 will hold some other changes, we just haven't figured those all out completely yet. It's hard to give up all the commitments that we love and fill us up (church, HERO, HBA, social). So it's just a matter of doing a little bit less of each, but not giving up any.

Nicole: Who? You may say. Nicole has been living with us since end of May. She has babysat the kids since Ellie was about a year old. She was needing a place to get back on her feet - and she landed here. This fall she has been a super help and launching the business could not have happened with out her help. Where else can you get a sitter from midnight -3am?! She helps around the house, with the kids a lot, and has recently taken a role at the deli. She's doing a great job and has a niche with the customers.

Ellie & Nicole taking snapshots of themselves on my camera

Ellie: 2nd grade is treating her well. She continues to do well at school - and as far as I know has friends that like her. She recently got her hair cut and an iPod for her birthday - between the two of those things she grew like 4 years! She started piano lessons about a month ago and is catching on quickly. Not too many arguments when it comes to practicing. She continues to help out a lot with her brother and little sisters. She's very responsible and independent ... and only has moments of disrespect. She and I butt heads a lot - mostly because we are so much alike. Her and Billy seem to get along much better. Hmmm ... wonder why? She finished up a much better soccer season and is now trying basketball for the first time. She's not a natural athlete, but does enjoy the social and the activity.

Jack: Kindergarten has been pretty good for Jack. He was SO tired that first month, he could barely function when he got home from school. But he's doing much better. Although, he's getting so comfortable, that he's starting to test school rules and boundaries too. He recently took a trip to the Principal's office! Nothing mean or vicious, but just having a hard time keeping his hands to himself and likes to wrestle and get rough with other boys. I think it's pretty harmless and normal for that age, but he needs to learn that it's not appropriate at school. Stars Wars and Transformer pretend play is for at home in the yard! Academically he needs help with reading ... learning his letters at this age. He's behind, but nothing serious and we are seeing progress. At home, besides sometimes being too rowdy, he's still a sweet boy that likes to cuddle and plays well by himself.

Amelia: Oh my, our comedian and drama queen! This girl will say something that will split your gut at least twice a day. She is a chatter-box ... and very witty. But with that also comes the lows. She quit taking naps over a year ago, so at least once a week the tired catches up with her and the meltdown ensues. She loves dressing up, playing Barbies and babies, but also enjoys playing house or fort with Jack & Ellie. Her most favorite pastime is coloring. She's an AMAZING artist for her age. Neither Ellie or Jack had any interest (and still don't really) in coloring at this age, and it's such a joy to have a child that will sit and color or marker for 2 hours. She likes to draw too and is doing well learning her letters, numbers, shapes, etc. She goes to preschool 4 days a week for 3 hours and just adores it!

Getting ready for Halloween

Evelyn: My baby. Not so much a baby anymore! She'll be 2 in February and has started potty training this past week all on her own. She struggles putting words together that makes sense to us, but slowly more and more are become more audible. She's SO much like Ellie was. BUSY, busy! And just ornery. I tell Billy how he missed this with Ellie ... and it's pay back! You can't barely leave her alone for a minute. And as soon as you get her dressed, or her coat/shoes on -- she's got them off again. She's into books right now, and will sit and let you read to her for a hour, book after book after book.

18 month photo by Aunt Abbi

Overall, I think we are doing well. I'm sure there are balls getting dropped, since so many are in the air. But we are all healthy, most everyone seems happy, and despite some growing pains with the new schedules, we are all great. I'm exhausted, but most days content. The kids make my heart melt and blood boil all in the same minute. My husband continues to adore me, even though I haven't shaven my legs in over a month. I told my sister the other day, "Doesn't it suck to be successful? We could just sit around and drink beer all day." I suppose I'll continue to work my butt off to be successful. God has given me the gifts.

Lastly, I apologize if you were one of the balls that was dropped. We adore all of our friends and relationships. We haven't forgotten about you - and once we get settled into our new "life" as business owners, we will be seen & heard again. Love to you and blessings this Christmas season.

Tuesday, September 7

First Days of School

Ellie - 2nd Grade, Jack - Kindergarten
Started Thursday, August 19

Evelyn - 19 months today and back to daycare, Amelia - 3 yr old Preschool
Started Tuesday, September 7th

Wednesday, July 7

River Vacation 2010

Our annual trip to my parents cabin near Harpers Ferry, IA was great, as usual. We had 3 days of wonderful weather, with lots of fun boat trips that included the tube, kneeboard, floating down the river in our life jackets, etc. The river was up, so there weren't any sandbars, and that was a bummer. But we still made the best of it. Ellie got up on the kneeboard the FIRST time. And I'm SO mad at myself that I forgot my camera. But I couldn't have captured the feeling inside of me. I was just bursting with pride. I couldn't believe that she actually listened to Billy's instructions, executed them, and did it!! She was getting so bored on the tube, that we knew we had to get something else for her. Guess I need to look for some skis for next year!

Jack enjoyed the tube this year a little better - but he's a slow go kinda guy. If it got too rough or fast, he's start crying. Amelia went with a parent, but not by herself. She enjoyed it, but didn't want to get wet at all. The fireworks were canceled because of rain, but I had bought some in Wisconsin to do. We were able to get some done with the kids and they enjoyed that. We brought most home to do some other time.

Evelyn is 17 Months Today!

My baby is nearly a big girl. I'm feeling a little sad about that fact, because I love my babies. For those of you that knew Ellie as a little pip-squeak, Evelyn is the same. Busy and into everything. Go, go, go ... outside is her favorite place. Oh, and she has this ear-piercing scream that can send you over the edge. But her lingering hugs just melt your heart. And that dimple - you just can't miss that! She will be a dare-devil, certainly not the high maintenance princess that Amelia seems to be.

Wednesday, May 26

Not my problem!

Yesterday Evelyn was getting into something down the hall - I think probably into the bathroom. I was in the kitchen, so I asked Jack to grab her out. He responded, "She's not mine. She's yours!" Can't argue with that, can you?

Sunday, May 23


Jack's big wind up - for a small kick!

Ellie & Jack both played soccer this spring. Neither are really into it much -- so I'll probably regret signing them up for a week long Soccer Camp this summer. My hope is that if they get better, then they'll like it. Who likes doing something you're crappy at?

Ellie did improve this year by not dancing or skipping on the field. She did get one goal that I got to see! She was one of only two girls on her team and the boys kind of hogged the ball. But mostly because the two girls weren't going after it more. So we need to work on excitement and getting after the ball.

Jack's first year this year. He ran a lot - but not normally near the ball. We didn't ever really see him standing around, but we could tell that he was usually being Spiderman or trying to catch bugs around him. We'll give him props for keeping his feet moving though. The first few games the coach would ask if anyone needed a break and Jack would always be the first to ask. So he was sitting out a lot. We told him not to do that anymore and he did better.

Overall, good experience. We are thankful for our Park & Rec program and the parent volunteers. I don't know a lick about soccer - so I'm not much help.


Here are some instances where the girls are playing well together. Ellie had them dressed as princesses in the picture above!

Amelia was doing this for quite awhile before the video. She got tired! I love Evelyn's laugh.

Amelia Turns 3!

Amelia Marie with her Princess Cake

She wasn't quite sure what to think when everyone started singing

Amelia turned 3 yesterday - wow! Just 4 years ago this coming weekend I was moving to Huxley. A single mom with 2 little kids. The world on my shoulders and not a clue of what God had in store for me. I was really reflecting on that yesterday. When you think life has you in quite a pickle, it doesn't take long for things to turn around. I knew I wanted to get married again, and I knew that I wanted more kids ... and I am so blessed!

Amelia continues to be our comedian. Her facial expressions, random sentences, and just silliness bring a daily smile to your face. On the other hand, she is a 3-yr old "princess" that gets a little demanding and whiny too!

She plays role of little sister and big sister quite well. She enjoys playing house and dress up with Ellie. Also, playing outside and keeping up with Jack & Ellie around the yard. Jack and her continue to bicker and fight. They have to be separated daily. Her and Evelyn are quite cute though. Evelyn is now trying to keep up with her and they play real cute together.

Amelia is not necessarily a mama or daddy's girl. She's usually wanting the other when that one is gone. She cuddles and warms up nicely to either of us regularly. She's generous with hugs and kisses - and pleases and thank yous. Overall, she seems to be growing up to be a pretty sweet girl.

Busy birds

We've been fighting with some black birds trying to make our grill their home. At first we had left the grill cover off and so we felt, rightfully so, that it was our fault when we found a few twigs and sticks in there. We were smarter and put the grill cover on.

Awhile later, probably about 4-5 days ... we come back to find THIS! Busy, busy birds that had flew under the grill cover and up the side to the small holes to build this monstrous nest! I can't believe how many trips they made under the cover. These birds totally get an A+ for hard work!

I felt really bad taking it out and burning it. Luckily no eggs had been laid in it yet.

Next step - aluminum foil the holes. NOPE! New nest started again! When will these birds find a new place to call home?

Last step - duct tape the holes. Yep.

Evelyn Walks!

Yes - finally at 15+ months, the child has decided to walk! It's been a very gradual process. No marked day of when it happened. Day by day, step by step - she finally decided it was better than crawling. The picture above is the wind blowing her hair - and snot running out her nose!

Monday, April 26

Cowboy Hat

I found this series of pictures on my camera today when I downloaded them. Ellie had some fun! I recently found an old 35mm in a box and gave it to her. She took a whole roll of 24 pictures in one day. I'm very interested to see what she took pictures of - and how they turn out. We need to take them to the store to get developed. Do they still do that?! So not only does she want to be a Target Rep when she grow up, but a Photographer too. Abbi, you have an apprentice!

Spaghetti, anyone?

So, I'm pretty sure every baby has a picture like this in their photo album of life, right? Evelyn enjoying some spaghetti - I love the grin on her face.

Jack Turns 5!

Holy wow -- Jack turned five a few weeks ago, on March 31st. He's really grown this winter. All his pants are too short and when looking at pictures from last summer of the kids - he's the one that has changed the most.

Kindergarten Round Up was last week. He was totally pumped and really enjoyed it. I think he'll do well in school - as long as he keeps the wrestling around to a minimum. I've worried about his lack of letter/number learning -- but he seems to be making big strides the past few months.

For his birthday he had a few friends come with us to some parks in Ankeny. It was a beautifully sunny, warm day! He wanted a Spiderman cake - and this is what I came up with. What is under that whipping white frosting is a strawberry jello cake. Yummo!

He's really into Legos these days and I recently purchased a huge bin of legos from a friend's garage sale. He builds and builds in his room everyday. He always wants my help building something, but I end up getting lost in sorting pieces. Wow - aren't I nerdy fun?!

Wednesday, April 7

Dirty Panties

Here was a recent conversation with Amelia -- who will be 3 next month:

"Mommy, I need new panties."
"Because these have toots in them."

And then today, after going to the bathroom, I noticed that her panties had some skid-marks in them. I asked her, "What happened?" She replied, "I don't know. They're dirty! I want new ones." I explained to her that sometime during the day she had went poop and hadn't asked for help to wipe and she got poop in her panties. Her response, while laughing, "That's funny, Mommy."

Tuesday, March 23

A robot

Ellie and Amelia were playing just now behind me here in the basement, as I work at my desk. I hear them starting to argue - Ellie wants Amelia to wear this certain dress, but Amelia is crying that she wants it off because it's "itchy." Finally, Ellie gives up and kind of rips it off her and hits her. Amelia comes crying to me...

Mom: Ellie, you didn't need to hit her.
Ellie: But I wanted her to wear that dress.
M: I understand, but you can't make her wear the dress. And you shouldn't hit her. You need to apologize.
E: And she won't stop crying.
M: I know. It's annoying when she whines and cries, but hitting her doesn't help. When you get frustrated, you just have to walk away.
E: Ok. But I wanted her to wear that dress. I wish she was a robot, so that she did whatever I wanted her to do.

Oh, Ellie -- if only all our kids were robots so we could get them to do what we wanted them to do!

Sunday, March 21

Kids Dancing

If you haven't set up an account on yet - it's a great free site to create your own radio station. Billy recently set up a "dance music" station for the kids. Here are some highlights. I wish I had a program so I could cut and edit the best parts. (yes, I know, I need a Mac). And you'll notice that Jack is more into picking on Ellie than actually dancing. Oh, those little brothers!

A couple of tricks

Here are a few highlights of some things that Evelyn is doing. Blowing kisses, saying "all done" "bye-bye"

Princess Amelia

Amelia was dancing to Disney Princess music today - and I got these shots of her sitting in the window. It was fun to play with the image to get the cool coloring. #1 - i need a better program to do more, and #2 - i need more time to do it.