Sunday, June 14

Jack's Summer Do!

Saying, "CHEESE!"

Mama's "favorite boy"

So first I have to apologize to Tony ... sorry Tony!! Jack got his summer haircut again this year -- me putting a #3 guard on the clippers and cutting it outside. It wasn't what Tony would have preferred - and I agree, it's not the most handsome of haircuts, but it works well for summer! He's hot and usually dirty ... so short and quick is best for this little boy.

The large scratch on the face was given to him by Ellie. It must have not hurt too bad, because he never came crying or tattling to me. But it did leave a nasty scratch that has taken over a week to heal. Hopefully no scar!

Moving takes it out of you!

I caught Billy snoozing with Evelyn the other day. All this moving is hard work!

Beautiful Sunset

We try to pretend that we live out in the country -- because the view to the west is all farmland, since we live on the last street on the NW side of town. This was the view the other night. There have been some beautiful sunsets this past week! We always missed them at our last house because of all the trees and houses to the west of us.

Wednesday, June 10

Keeping up with Daddy

Not many can boost the fact that they can keep up with Billy in the "rear-end gas" department -- but I must report, Evelyn put him in his place last night. The little girl had a toot that lasted nearly 10 seconds. I thought Billy and I were going to pee our pants! Unfortunately, it was a shart -- and I then had the pleasure of changing a dirty diaper.

Too Bad!

Be careful of what you say TO your kids and AROUND your kids -- it'll come back to you. Yesterday at dinner, Billy asked Amelia something or to do something, I don't really remember -- but then she turned to him, pointed her finger at him and said, "Too bad!" Oh, we both about split!

Who's that on the Quarter?

Yesterday, as I was getting the kids ready to go to Vacation Bible School, Ellie told me that she needed to take an offering. Of course, this request comes as we are getting into the car and running a smidge late. I happen to see some spare change in the car, and told her I'd give her some of that.

I fished out a quarter and a penny for each her and Jack, knowing that they both had to have the same coins, or there would be a fight. Jack looked at the quarter and said, "Mom, I've got Moses on mine!" Well, how fitting for an offering for VBS! I corrected him and said, "No, buddy, that's George Washington. But yes, he kind of looks like Moses." Hilarious! That made my whole day.

Sunday, June 7

Riverfront Property

We got a good storm this evening with a lot of rain. So we found out that we have some riverfront property that we didn't even know about!

Friday, June 5

Cute Photos

Mommy with Evelyn on moving in day!

Evelyn - drool, drool, drool! She's wearing a bib full time these days. She'll be 4 months old on Sunday!