Tuesday, September 19

The Importance of Our Head

Today at lunch, Ellie was trying to "take her head off." She was lighty squeezing and twisting her neck. She shares, "Uhgh. My head won't come off, Mom!" I said, "Well, that's because it's attached." She, being 3-1/2, asks, "Why?" I answer, "Because it's important! If it came off, you would die. And your brain is in there." She has a small burp (because she's eating lunch), and then responds, "AND you wouldn't be able to burp."

Ah...the importance of our head...and our ability to burp.

Tuesday, September 12

Ellie to "School"

Ellie has started going to a daycare that does preschool activities. She goes on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for 3 hours. Jack accompanies her, but is in a different room with his age group. For him, it's some much needed time being social with other kids and being away from the mama.

Last week, Ellie's class talked about tools, and she made her very own tool belt....complete with a hammer, screwdriver, and wrench. She's very proud that 1) she colored on it (it's construction paper), and 2) it has her name on it. This week they are talking about grocery shopping and she was super pumped to take in some empty boxes of stuff that I saved to share with the class.

She is really enjoying it and talks about going to "school" all the time. I think she's met some friends, but her teacher says that she does tend to play on her own. I'm sure that will change! Jack is doing okay...he still isn't so sure about being left by mom for 3 hours. But his room leaders assure me that he stops crying as soon as I leave.

Today, when I picked them up their classes were both outside....but Jack's is fenced into a different area than his sister's. He doesn't like that one bit. He wants to be out playing with her. It's a good thing that I arrive shortly after they get out there...otherwise, I think he'd just stand at the fence longing to be with Ellie. Poor little guy!

Shoe Obsession

For those of you that don't know... Jack has a shoe obsession. He loves to put on his own shoes, he likes to play with other peoples shoes, and he also manages to spend a considerable amount of time in my closet playing with shoes. When we are at a store, if we happen by the shoe aisle, he has to stop! If I try to walk by, he pitches a total fit. And so if we do stop and try some on, then he has to have them. I've now learned not to waltz by the shoe aisle. I think he is getting this trait from his Aunt Nicki, who also has a terrible weakness for shoes. Here he is playing with one of Nicole's shoes.