Monday, December 11

Yucky, even if it isn't real!

A little back story....when you ask Billy is there are any foods he doesn't like, pretty much the only thing he'll mention is celery. He'll eat it in soups and other dishes....but not straight out celery.

Saturday nite we went out for pizza with friends and there is a pizza topping choice that is celery. So we were all talking about that and how gross that sounded. Ellie was sitting there...but not really part of the conversation.

On Sunday, Ellie was pretending to feed Billy imaginary foods. I remember broccoli and probably some other items. Then she offered something new. And Billy asked what is was. She said, "Celery!"

We both just started laughing. #1. She had no idea that he doesn't like celery. #2. It must have been the pizza conversation the night before for her to remember to even offer that food. As we rarely have celery in our house.

So Billy had to explain that he would not be eating the imaginary celery, b/c he didn't like it. A good laugh for the day!

Friday, December 8

Trip to California

The week of Thanksgiving, we had the joy of joining Billy on his trip to Southern Cal to visit his sister, Heather and her family. Her husband, Allen, is a Marine, and they live on base at Camp Pendleton.

With two kids in tow, we flew out of Omaha on Monday morning, and returned on Sunday evening. This was the kids first flight...and both our first flights with kids. If you think flying by yourself is exhausting...imagine lugging stroller & carseats, toys & snacks, and 2 toddlers thru the airport. They actually did very well, I think we were more worse for wear. Jack was more challenging than Ellie...which was to be expected. He is a terrible sleeper, outside of his comfort zone. So when he missed naps...he got crabby! And a crabby 19-month old on an airplane is not a pleasant sight!

Heather has 2 munchkins similiar in age to my kiddos. Nathaniel was 4 in April, and Kateland is just 2 months younger than Jack. So they all played wonderfully together. We spent most of our time at the house, but did get away one day to the San Diego Wild Animal Park, and one quick trip down to the beach. It was not a time to be playing in the water all afternoon.

The pictures are of:
1. The two binky twins, Kateland & Jack, playing with the fridge toy.
2. Nathianel & Ellie peaking out of a hole at the Wild Animal Park.
3. Kateland & Jack watching ducks eat the feed.
4. Billy with the 2 crazies on the lillypad hop.
5. Billy with kids, trying to not get wet. As you can see...Ellie as already lost her shirt!
6. Us...and Ellie trying out for BayWatch.
7. Jack getting buried in the sand by Billy. He thought that was pretty funny!

Hope your Thanksgiving was equally special, sharing it with family & friends!

New Van!

Well, at the ripe "old" age of 27...I've had to give up my sweet sedan for a mini-van! I wouldn't have pictured myself with 3 kids before the age of 30...but God had other plans! So, with the exciting addition to our family next spring, we sold my car...and found a great deal in the little town next to Huxley.

The kids are most thrilled with the DVD player! And Ellie seems to think that the buttons that automatically open and close the side doors were made just for her. We are working on learning that it's not a toy! And she's was crushed to learn that when the baby came she'd have to sit in the back seat by herself. She wants the "brothers" to sit in the back, and the "sisters" to sit in the middle. She is still sticking to her guns on wanting both a brother and a sister. I keep telling her it'll be one at a time. But even so, brothers will be in the back, and the sisters up near mommy.