Today was a beautiful day and we decided to have a picnic in the backyard. I made some peanut butter & jelly sandwiches and we had some grapes. Ellie thought this a fabulous idea and ate her whole plate gleefully. Jack, on the other hand, started out well, but once he realized he was not strapped in a seat found it more fun to play with his truck and in the sandbox than eat his lunch. He stuffed grapes and sandwich in his mouth as he walked by, but for the most part enjoyed the "being outside" part more than the "having a picnic" part!
We must take advantage of these nice days, as they will soon be turning bitterly cold. Oh, dreadful February/March when my kids are about ready to tear my hair out!
Oh, and I had to include the picture where Ellie really wanted to pose with her brother, and obviously, he did NOT!
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