Wow! What a whirl wind of a couple of weeks. Take a wedding, a Christmas, and a Honeymoon...what do you have? Me - not sure if I'm coming or going! And in what dress, what town, and if all my bags are packed correctly!
2006 ended splendidly, and completely unexpectedly from how the year started. A single-mom, trying to sell our house than to...moving to Huxley in the Spring...than meeting someone that turned out to be more than I expected at a small-town bar.... and now being wed, planning a new life together, and expecting a baby! So it goes without saying, pray for changes, and God will answer. Sometimes right away...sometimes you have to wait. But answers, He does!
The kids are doing well. Ellie is enjoying preschool 2 days a week. Learning letters and numbers...and all that stuff. She's never interested when at home, but her teacher promises that she's keeping up there. Jack is starting to talk quite a bit. Somethings we understand, others we don't. "Billy" and "Ellie" sound a lot of like. And surprisingly, "thank you" has entered already, which is nice to hear. He's still a skinny squirt...causing quite the "pants" challenge. So we've resulted in wearing mostly bib-overalls.
I'm now 20 weeks pregnant, and due mid-May. We'll have our first ultrasound on the 19
th, and are hoping to find out the sex of the baby. A boy would be fabulous, since we are all set in the clothes category there. But really we don't care. This being Billy's first little munchkin, I'm trying to keep him in the loop and be all excited too...but being it my third, it's just another walk in the park for me and I go all "routine" on him.
Pampered Chef continues to be my work. I also clean a few houses for extra cash. Both will be slowing down this year, with baby, and some other interests that I want to spend more time on. Billy works in Story City, and will continue his daily commute from Huxley to the American Packaging Plant. He enjoys the 30 minutes each way of alone time for prayer, reflection, and music. Lord knows, I'd like some of that!
We are looking to remodel our home this winter/spring to make room for baby. My dad and Billy plan to do most all the work. No final plans yet...but better use of space is the goal! We really love Huxley and our God willing, we will be making our forever home here in the Ballard School District.
We hope that 2006 provided blessings, health, and surprises to all of you too! If you are ever in our neck of the woods feel free to swing by. We are smack in the middle of
Ames and
Ankeny just off Hwy 69. Happy New Year!