Today we had our first ultrasound, and we were able to clearly see that it is a GIRL! The top photo she's giving you all a "hello" wave. She was very busy in there this morning, and we were able to see her open her mouth, stretch, do a lot of hand and foot motions. She even tried to roll over at one point.
She is measuring right-on (my past 2 babies measured small)...and the due date looks to be about right too. Maybe even a little sooner...like May 18th.
So now we get to start thinking about names, looking thru Ellie's old clothes...and many friends have offered their little girls clothes to borrow and sell too. But I know the Grandma's are anxious to buy! Aren't we all...I've had a Gap coupon burning a whole in my pocket since Christmas!
I'm very excited to tell Ellie when I get her from the sitter this afternoon. She is wanting a sister...and I think she thought I was bringing a baby home today. I don't think the communication of finding out what it is today translated to a 4 yr old & that we still have to wait another couple months for the baby to come home. :)
she looks perfect! I will start going through baby clothes for you to borrow.