Monday, July 14

Fear of a parent

After just reading a story on a friend's blog - I was reminded that I need to get this little story on mine.

The other day, I experienced a parental fear that I hope no one ever has to go thru - and that I don't have to go thru again. After bible school this past week, my niece, Lilah came over in the afternoons. So Ellie and she had a great time all week playing together.

One day, the girls and Jack were swimming and playing in the back yard. I was in the kitchen doing dishes, so I could keep my eye on them thru the window. At one point, I couldn't see any of them - so I bopped outside to check on them. I found Jack in the garage and asked him where the girls were - he said, "They are inside. I want to come inside too."

"No, they aren't inside, I was just in there."
"Yes, they are."

So I went in to check, in case they had somehow slipped past me .... .... nope.
Next, check back outside, and it proceeded like this ...

  • the bottom of the pool
  • around the side of the house
  • the front yard
  • ask jack again, he said, "They are in the van." I checked the van
  • went next door
  • sent our neighbor girl on her bike around the block
  • went to other neighbor with a pool
  • went back inside the house
  • walked half way around the block
At this point, I'm getting very frantic. I'm going to have to call my sister and tell her that our daughters are missing! They are in swimsuits and no shoes - I really didn't believe they'd just take off. As I was walking back into the house to grab my phone to call the police - I heard a small giggle coming from inside the van.

Jack was right - they were in the van. But the first time I checked so quickly - and they were hiding - that I didn't see them.

They said, "Didn't we find a great hiding place! We were playing hide and seek!" I was FURIOUS (and relieved). So after their butt-chewing - which consisted of

  • You know better than to play in the van
  • If you are going to play hide & seek, you need to tell me, so I know to look!
  • If I'm calling for you - you need to answer!
  • I was worried sick that someone took you.
Moral of my story - sometimes a 3-yr old knows what he's talking about.

Monday, July 7

4th of July

Tradition continues ... and we watched the Belle Plaine 4th of July parade. We have a great spot that we sit at the beginning where we get LOADS of candy. This year, we considered walking at the end of the parade to hand out the extra that we got to those at the end that didn't get any! Maybe next year. Here are a few pictures of us.

July Vacation

We recently returned from a week long vacation at my parent's cabin near Marquette, IA - which is on the Mississippi River. A beautiful vacation spot - probably my most favorite destination. I've been going up since I was about 12 - and just enjoy the scenery, the river, the relaxed nature of it all.

Amelia has her first boat ride - which she enjoyed, but didn't like the lifejacket. Jack had his first experience tubing behind the boat. And both he and Ellie really liked swimming at the sandbar. Also a shot from inside Spook Cave.

God traded the Dog

Some changes have come upon our household over the past month ...

Our dog, Nala - which has been a constant chewer since we got her - decided to chew her way out the door! Actually, the first step was that she chewed out of her kennel in the house, and proceeded to chew the couch cushion. So that sent her to the backyard. After many successful attempts at escaping the backyard, she then received a new halter collar and a tie out. After only one day on the tie out she managed to chew out of her collar and take off. Now, instead of having identification to have her hauled back by some nice neighbor - she was gone and hasn't been back since.

Obviously, this was God's way of saying, "I have other plans for you - and they don't include a very busy dog."

About a week later we found out that we were expecting another baby! This wasn't necessarily my idea of a good trade. Billy and I were planning to have another baby, but were hoping to wait another year. We'd have a little boy in school and be more financially set to move into a bigger home. It feels great to be in that 1% of women that get pregnant while on birth control pills. I guess it makes one realize that Someone else in charge.

We feel very blessed - and today we heard the heartbeat of our 10-week old little kumquat. I am due on February 2 (which means 4 kids before I'm 30 - and they'll all be gone before I'm 50!). With so many other couples going thru infertility issues, I won't for a second not feel completely blessed to be able to pop kids out when I plan them - and when I don't! :)

We do hope that God does grant our request of a little boy - so we can be done. We'll see ... stay tuned here for the latest.