Monday, July 7

God traded the Dog

Some changes have come upon our household over the past month ...

Our dog, Nala - which has been a constant chewer since we got her - decided to chew her way out the door! Actually, the first step was that she chewed out of her kennel in the house, and proceeded to chew the couch cushion. So that sent her to the backyard. After many successful attempts at escaping the backyard, she then received a new halter collar and a tie out. After only one day on the tie out she managed to chew out of her collar and take off. Now, instead of having identification to have her hauled back by some nice neighbor - she was gone and hasn't been back since.

Obviously, this was God's way of saying, "I have other plans for you - and they don't include a very busy dog."

About a week later we found out that we were expecting another baby! This wasn't necessarily my idea of a good trade. Billy and I were planning to have another baby, but were hoping to wait another year. We'd have a little boy in school and be more financially set to move into a bigger home. It feels great to be in that 1% of women that get pregnant while on birth control pills. I guess it makes one realize that Someone else in charge.

We feel very blessed - and today we heard the heartbeat of our 10-week old little kumquat. I am due on February 2 (which means 4 kids before I'm 30 - and they'll all be gone before I'm 50!). With so many other couples going thru infertility issues, I won't for a second not feel completely blessed to be able to pop kids out when I plan them - and when I don't! :)

We do hope that God does grant our request of a little boy - so we can be done. We'll see ... stay tuned here for the latest.

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