Can you believe it - my firstborn is turning 7?! Gabrielle "Ellie" Nicole has grown into quite the little smarty pants. And I mean that in both the nice way, and the not so nice way! First grade is going very well for her so far this year. She's excelling in all of her work; earning an O "Outstanding" in Spelling and S+ "Satisfactory" in Social Studies, Science, and Math. She's also made huge improvements over last year in her behavior and following rules. Overall, her teacher's conference was very positive! We are very proud of her.
At home, on the other hand, Ellie's behavior is like the Iowa weather. It changes very drastically from day to day. She has her "helper" days - where she loves to help me pick up (rearranging closets & organizing drawers), plays with her little sisters, and overall listens very well. Then she has her "attitude" days - where everything has a comeback ("i know!" "i told you so!" "ah - yeah"). Last, and my least favorite, her "wild" days - where she increases the energy level of all the kids in the house to crazy. She doesn't listen, she wrestles, she runs, she's nuts! And this gets the others going too and it's just mass chaos here.
I've known since this child could crawl that she would have a spirit that would want to fly -- and I've tried my hardest to not squelch it. But giving it direction can be very challenging some days! She's an awesome kid with a thoughtful heart, and I pray that God continues to help me lead all her enthusiasm and energy in the right direction!
Happy Birthday, Ellie! Mommy loves you, your beautiful blue eyes, and your toothless smile.
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