Wednesday, September 21

Milestone Day!

I feel like today was a big day in our house.  First, I cancelled the automatic shipment of diapers and wipes!  Evelyn is officially potty-trained and doing very, very well!  She'll still wear a diaper at night, but I have enough on hand to last for quite awhile.  Amelia (& even Jack) is still wearing Pull Ups at night.  It seems my little ones play too hard during the day to take time to go to the bathroom!  And then when they finally give up and go to sleep ... it all comes out!

The other big step was that we disassembled the toddler bed and crib in the girls room.  The bunk beds will get moved from Jack's room to their room next week.  Jack has a new bed ... and he's excited for that to be put together next week too.  This bed movement started with needing to re-stretch our carpet.  It has started to get ripples in it, and to make sure it lasts as long as the kids are home, I want to take good care of it.  So we are having it stretched and re-tacked, and then having it all cleaned.  Which means everything has to be taken out of the rooms!  It's quite an undertaking and we are doing it in steps each night.

Until next week, the kids are sleeping in empty rooms, on just a mattress.  They think it's super fun!  Sadly, it's how many kids sleep every night, or maybe without even a mattress.  We are very blessed and thankful for all the luxuries we have, and obviously we take them for granted.  We'll see how "fun" it is, if the girls actually sleep tonight!

My babies are growing up!  Only 3 years left and they'll all be in school.  And in 9 years my first one will graduate!  I'm trying to do better about enjoying each day, instead of wishing them grown up.  Each day is a special moment in itself.  I need to stand still, be quiet, and be watchful of it!

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