Ellie is taking on some very good traits that her mother has. Recently two incidences really pointed this out.
She has these Disney books on tape that we listen to in the car, because it's the only tape deck I own. Plus, it's a great way to keep her occupied. Jack & I aren't too sure we enjoy listening to the story of Aladdin & Ariel all the time, but it's something to do.
Anyways, the other day she said, "Hey, Mom, look! This side is princesses and this side isn't."
She had organized the tapes in the box by whether or not they were a princess story (Cinderella, etc) or not (winnie the pooh, jungle book, etc.). She was so proud of herself. And so was I!
Also, yesterday, she was to be napping...and when I went in to check on her she wasn't sleeping. I asked her what she was doing. "I'm picking up my room! Abbijon (nickname for my brother and his girlfriend) is coming and I need to have my stuff picked up." And there is was...a neat and tidy room...beds made...not a toy out of place.
Let's hope these great traits make it thru the teenage years!