I'm Deanna. Mom to Ellie 10, Jack 8, Amelia 6, and Evelyn 4. I don't have it all together. I don't create anything spectacular. You won't find anything cool here to post on Pinterest. I'm flawed, but loved. Loved by an amazing husband, 4 healthy, crazy children and most of all by a holy God that has mercy and grace.
Thursday, August 24
Fun with Bubba
It is a beautiful day today, so before I put Jack down for his nap, I took him outside for a little fun time in the yard. I must admit...normally I'm not this good of a mom. I'm usually scrambling around to get things done in the house and trying to convince him that playing outside by himself is the best thing in the world. I usually lose...and after a screaming fit, I'm forced to put down my "agenda" and get outside. Today I was smart...I skipped the tantrum and went right on out to the playing.
Here are some good pics of him on the swingset. I didn't get the photo of him attempting to climb up the slide, which he's getting very good at...b/c I was trying to hold him so as he didn't fall. Darn it...he's just so stickin' cute! Happy Thursday to ya'll!
Fried Green Tomatoes
When you date someone from the South, you get exposed to new kinds of foods. Not that people in the Midwest don't eat fried green tomatoes...but I guess I think of the famous movie, breaded greasy food...and just good southern cooking. So yesterday when Jack got into the garden and started picking tomatoes left & right, red AND green...I knew that we'd have to do something with them.
Billy to the rescue! He fixed 'em up right...and the kids loved them. Here are some pictures of us all gobbling them down. Next on the menu is fried okra. Maybe we will get Jack up to 25 lbs before he's 2?!
Wednesday, August 9
Peek-a-boo Hair
As a mother, one is always needing to be inventive. Especially when there is a crabby kid and a shortage of toys. Here I am playing Pee-a-boo...with my hair. I knew there was a reason that I grew it out. I think he sat and did this with me for about 20 minutes.
Lately, the biggest challenge I have with Jack is car rides. An active 16-month old HATES to be strapped in his seat. On my 80-minute drive to my parent's house, he screams off and on for about 60 minutes of it. It's a nightmare! Poor Ellie...she trys to appease him, but we are both out of ideas. The other night she was exceptionally quiet, I asked her what was wrong. She responded, "I'm sad." I couldn't imagine what about, so I asked why for. "Because Bubba is screaming." It's making both of us nuts.
Even a quick trip up to Ames to run an errand can have me running to the liquor cabinet as soon as I return home. Luckily, I don't have a liquor cabinet...