For those of you that don't know... Jack has a shoe obsession. He loves to put on his own shoes, he likes to play with other peoples shoes, and he also manages to spend a considerable amount of time in my closet playing with shoes. When we are at a store, if we happen by the shoe aisle, he has to stop! If I try to walk by, he pitches a total fit. And so if we do stop and try some on, then he has to have them. I've now learned not to waltz by the shoe aisle. I think he is getting this trait from his Aunt Nicki, who also has a terrible weakness for shoes. Here he is playing with one of Nicole's shoes.
Yes, he puts my shoes on also, which doesn't really shock me that much. Now I know why he yells and points going by the shoes in Target though, it makes a little more sense now =) Tony