The week of Thanksgiving, we had the joy of joining Billy on his trip to Southern Cal to visit his sister, Heather and her family. Her husband, Allen, is a Marine, and they live on base at Camp Pendleton.
With two kids in tow, we flew out of Omaha on Monday morning, and returned on Sunday evening. This was the kids first flight...and both our first flights with kids. If you think flying by yourself is exhausting...imagine lugging stroller & carseats, toys & snacks, and 2 toddlers thru the airport. They actually did very well, I think we were more worse for wear. Jack was more challenging than Ellie...which was to be expected. He is a terrible sleeper, outside of his comfort zone. So when he missed naps...he got crabby! And a crabby 19-month old on an airplane is not a pleasant sight!
Heather has 2 munchkins similiar in age to my kiddos. Nathaniel was 4 in April, and Kateland is just 2 months younger than Jack. So they all played wonderfully together. We spent most of our time at the house, but did get away one day to the San Diego Wild Animal Park, and one quick trip down to the beach. It was not a time to be playing in the water all afternoon.
The pictures are of:
1. The two binky twins, Kateland & Jack, playing with the fridge toy.
2. Nathianel & Ellie peaking out of a hole at the Wild Animal Park.
3. Kateland & Jack watching ducks eat the feed.
4. Billy with the 2 crazies on the lillypad hop.
5. Billy with kids, trying to not get wet. As you can see...Ellie as already lost her shirt!
6. Us...and Ellie trying out for BayWatch.
7. Jack getting buried in the sand by Billy. He thought that was pretty funny!
Hope your Thanksgiving was equally special, sharing it with family & friends!
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