The Bride

The Groom

Jack "Ring Bearer"

Ellie "Flower Girl"

Lilah "Flower Girl"
My brother, Jon, and his long-time girlfriend, Abbi Mantz, were married this past weekend. Luckily, it stopped raining in Iowa long enough for them to have a beautiful couple days for the wedding. It was a simple occasion with the ceremony and reception both at the church. Abbi chose the bright colors of pink, aqua, and green. It was very fun and looked awesome! Here are a few of the pictures I got... but we didn't take a lot of snapshots because they bought the rights to all of their professional photography. So Abbi will get to have all of those for us.
Jack was the ring bearer. He did make it down the aisle, with much haste. He decided that running was better than walking. Ellie & Lilah were the flower girls and they too did a nice job. Ellie even stood up front nicely thru the entire ceremony. Billy was an usher. My sister, her husband, and I were musicians.
This week they are in Jamaica and we've heard they are having a great time! We are excited to "officially" have Abbi part of our family. They will be moving back to Belle Plaine in the next month or so, as my brother will be an agent for a local insurance company there.
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