Trick or Treating went well in Roland. Jack & Amelia only made it up and down Nicki's short street. But that was all the candy they probably needed. Jack LOVED getting some makeup on - and making him look a little more like a pirate. He also had a stick-on goatee and mustache, but he opted not for those. Probably itchy - I don't blame him!
I took the big girls to another street after dropping the little ones at Nicki's house. They were busy getting ready for the Haunted Maze and party. One house that I took the girls to had a cute idea. The homeowner was dressed as a pirate, and he came out and had the girls spin a wheel before they could take the candy. On the wheel was "Trick" or "Treat" - depending on where the spinner landed, that's what you did. Ellie spun treat - and got to take some treats. Lilah spun trick - so she had to do a trick before she got her treats. I helped her, and she decided to bark like the dog she was. I thought it was a great idea to get the kids more involved in the process.
Ellie was adorable in her Cheetah girl outfit. And she's the most photogenic, as you can see. She was very proud of her costume and thought she looked very pretty.
Amelia was a very good chicken. Her little legs couldn't keep up with the big girls - but there wasn't any crying or being scared. She actually really liked all the kids dressed up. Even the scary ones.
Lilah was her dog, Sydney - a hand-made costume by Grandma Barb. It has now become a tradition that Gma Barb makes her a costume each year. Very special! Her and Ellie made a good pair. Cat & Dog!
Lilah planned a big Halloween party for her friends, which included transforming the garage and 1/2 the house into a haunted maze for them to go thru. Nicki, the vampire, met the kids outside as they came to the house - and led them around back to enter. I was inside playing spooky music on the piano - dressed like a scary lady (last years costume). A neighbor was in the kitchen telling the kids where to stand so they could see themselves on TV. At that moment, Billy jumped out and scared them - and it was all on video! Nate was behind the scenes making sure kids got thru and scaring them thru the walls.
There were a few kids that didn't want to go thru - and others that went thru dozens of times. Overall, very fun - but I'm sure Nicki & Nate are pretty tired today! The party was complete with best costume prizes (Jack won best boy), The movie, Monster House on projector screen in the yard, and themed snacks. I'm sure they'll all be asking Lilah for an ancore next year.
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