Merry Christmas from all of us!

Ellie didn't get her High School Musical Alarm clock for her birthday, but Santa came thru!
She was very patient ... and then very excited! Yeah, we'll see about that on Tuesday morning.

Jack asked Santa for some Star Wars gear.

Santa brought the little girls a fun musical toy. Kind of like karaoke for toddlers. Hmmm... I wonder who picked that out?

My crew on Christmas Eve. This was our second year enjoying our Christmas Eve with Tony & Jana. We went to church together at 5pm -- I asked Santa to be his first stop and he arrived while we were gone. After church all ate dinner together at our house -- seafood and pasta! Then opened gifts together. It's such a blessing to be able to spend Christmas Eve together as a family! The kids will cherish it always.

Princess Amelia got LOTS of dress up clothes this year. Which she will enjoy for many years to come. They are all a little big right now, but I know she'll still have fun putting them on and taking them off.

Sir Jack! Jack is so easy to buy for. I think because he's the only boy, and also he just loves to do everything. Legos, dress up, army men, guns, swords, action figures. You name it -- this kid is into it. And he plays with them all! They don't just sit and collect dust. He's so fun to buy stuff for.

Billy and Evelyn. This is like one of the best pictures of Evelyn. She's so hard to capture on camera!

Grandma Barb with Amelia - she is the one that made us all wear silly hats to open gifts.

Papa Denny with his new Bobber Cooler for the pond.
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