We've been fighting with some black birds trying to make our grill their home. At first we had left the grill cover off and so we felt, rightfully so, that it was our fault when we found a few twigs and sticks in there. We were smarter and put the grill cover on.
Awhile later, probably about 4-5 days ... we come back to find THIS! Busy, busy birds that had flew under the grill cover and up the side to the small holes to build this monstrous nest! I can't believe how many trips they made under the cover. These birds totally get an A+ for hard work!
I felt really bad taking it out and burning it. Luckily no eggs had been laid in it yet.
Next step - aluminum foil the holes. NOPE! New nest started again! When will these birds find a new place to call home?
Last step - duct tape the holes. Yep.
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