Saturday, December 11

Day with Two Kids

Flynn Rider, Rapunzel, and crew!

Billy set off to Arkansas this morning with the two little girls. His Grandpa Faubus passed away and so he went down for a couple of days to spend time with his family. The big kids and I stayed back because we have other things going on, and I have to man the deli on Monday.

Anyways, Ellie and Jack set off this morning to run some errands (despite the slick roads). I really enjoyed my time with them. They are at an age (most times!) that they can shop and run errands while be helpful and not whining and asking for a million things. It was a pleasure to take them out for lunch and to a movie - because I wanted to and surprised them, and not because they whined and begged for it!

It was such a joy to just sit and eat with them without rushing or fighting. Picking or fighting. I just sat and talked with them and stared at them. They are growing up so fast... am I hurrying them up too much? I hope my sacrifices now don't become a regret later. I believe I'm making the right choices for us as a family and so my kids can grow to see what it means to go after their dreams, give back to their community, and most of all have a Christ-centered life.

The continual dilemma of a parent!

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