Evelyn will be 3 weeks old tomorrow - and is excited to take her first airplane ride on Sunday! Hopefully she was born a traveler - because Mexico, here we come!
I'm Deanna. Mom to Ellie 10, Jack 8, Amelia 6, and Evelyn 4. I don't have it all together. I don't create anything spectacular. You won't find anything cool here to post on Pinterest. I'm flawed, but loved. Loved by an amazing husband, 4 healthy, crazy children and most of all by a holy God that has mercy and grace.
Friday, February 27
3 Weeks Tomorrow
Evelyn will be 3 weeks old tomorrow - and is excited to take her first airplane ride on Sunday! Hopefully she was born a traveler - because Mexico, here we come!
Ellie's Looses her 1st Tooth
Ellie lost her first tooth today. It started last week when she was eating a whole apple - she said it was hurting her tooth and didn't want to eat the rest. It was then that she realized it was wiggly. She was so excited - she immediately called everyone on my cell phone that she knew the speed dial number for. Today she came home from school with a small treasure chest and her tooth inside. She's anxious for the Tooth Fairy to come tonight, and already has her treasure under her pillow. Hmmm ... how much are teeth going for these days??
Saturday, February 21
Two Weeks Old
Evelyn is two weeks old today -- it's gone very quickly, as always. She is adjusting quite nicely to life outside the womb. Week one was hospital time and then getting acquainted with our house. Week two she really settled into her routine - which is sleeping and then eating every 3 hours. I've got her sleeping in her bed now at night - so that has been a huge help with me getting better sleep. I'm still up 2-3 times a night to feed her for half hour, but I won't complain about that - since she does usually go right back to sleep.
Last night was my first show back. I was gone about 4 hours and Billy said that Evelyn took the bottle well - she downed 4 oz - so I guess! And then she had another 4 oz just before I got home. I have another show today, and I'll be gone longer, but luckily she's not picky with how she gets her milk.
She really is a sweet, cuddly little thing. She'd be happy be held all day. So if anyone is wanting to snuggle a baby, come on over!
Wednesday, February 18
Jack's Fresh Haircut
Jack is going to get his 4-year pictures taken next week - so it was high time we get a haircut. He was looking like a total scrub. His hair has changed so much in the past year. It's darker in color and the texture has changed too. He's no longer that little boy with wispy blonde hair. It's gotten a lot thicker and doesn't lay down nearly as nice anymore.
Monday, February 16
Thursday, February 12
Recent Photos of Evelyn
We are home and getting settled in here. The other kids are adjusting well so far. Billy sensed that they just have all merged into their "new role" as siblings. They are being helpful and listening well, playing together nicely, etc. I think it's just a honeymoon phase. I'm sure all hell will break loose next week when the newness wears off, but maybe he's right. They all just see what they have to do to make our house click.
The first night was rough. We tried putting Evelyn down in her bassinet, but she easily woke up after a short while. I had had only two short bits of sleep in about 5 hrs and I was exhausted. Billy then got up with her and slept near her in the living room. We both were anxious to try something different last night. So we spoiled her a bit and she got to sleep in the living room in her Bopee pillow and in my arms. But we all got ample sleep and are the better for it. We'll slowly adjust her into the bassinet, but it might take a week or so.
Today we go to Ames to get her passport application submitted. Getting a picture is the most difficult task. Try getting a 5 day old to look straight at the camera with both eyes open! It should be quite a task at the photo shop today. I have some snapshots on my camera that hopefully will work too. But the regulations on size and color are very strict and we can't afford for the application to get rejected b/c of bad photos!
Wednesday, February 11
Monday, February 9
Delayed Checkout
This girl has been nothing but delays, delays, delays! Nothing like telling her parents who is boss! Yesterday we had some slight concerns because she seemed to be shivering or trembling more than what I thought was normal. Newborns do have some trembles and shivers do to underdeveloped muscles. We talked to the pediatrician about it and he monitored her in the nursery for a couple hours, but found nothing of concern.
This morning, a different pediatrician was on call to do the final evaluation before we checked out and I shared my concerns again, because it had continued thru the day yesterday. His main concern was figuring out the difference in what was normal, and what might not be. It's difficult to articulate to a doctor what you see/feel. So after her morning breakfast, we sent her down to the NICU to be put on a monitor and they asked me to come back around 11:30 to feed her next.
When we showed up she was out of her bed, and under a warmer. She had more monitors on her and an oxygen mask lying next to her. Least to say, that was a bit of a shock and a bit alarming for two parents that left her lying all snuggly in her bed. The nurse told us that when she got into a deep sleep her pulse-ox level went low. Normal is above 95 and hers went down to 88 at a point during her sleep. While awake and active it was normal, but they didn't like that it went down that low during her sleep.
They had done a chest xray and ran more tests and were waiting results while I fed her. She nursed really well and her pulse-ox level remained great. The doctor came in at 12:45 and said all of her tests came back normal and great. So -- the mystery? Why did it drop?
He wants to continue to monitor her today and rerun tests at 4pm. If all is normal throughout the day, we'll more than likely still be discharged to leave. But he won't let her go home until we all feel comfortable that she is okay and this isn't indicating an oncoming infection or something else.
Billy and I just checked on her (2pm) and her level hadn't dropped again. And she's been sleeping with a full tummy under a warmer -- I'm sure she's been in a deep sleep and if it hasn't dropped again, than mommy is feeling confident that little baby is okay.
I'll post again later tonite with any new information.
Sunday, February 8
Evelyn Bernice Faubus
Miss Evelyn Bernice (after my maternal grandmother) Faubus was born Saturday, February 7th at 5:11pm. She was 8lbs - 7 oz and 20 inches long. My biggest baby by nearly a pound. She has quite a bit of blonde hair, really long finger nails, and her daddy's nose.
Here's how it all went down:
Since she decided to not come on her own, I was scheduled to come in to be induced on Saturday morning at Mary Greeley Hospital in Ames. Dr. Leeds came in around 8:20 and broke my water. I was 3cm at this point. Contractions did start within the hour, but nothing real regular or strong. Billy & I walked the halls and tried to keep busy while waiting. My brother and his wife, Abbi came around 10:30am to be with us for the day. Abbi is our photographer, and so she was here to get photos of the big day.
At 12:30 the doctor came back - I had only gotten to 4cm, and I was pretty disappointed. The contractions were getting more intense, and I wasn't sure if the hypnosis was going to work considering my comfort label. For the next 2 hrs, I did some more walking, took a bath, and did hypnosis -- when Dr. Leeds came back at 2:30, I was still at 4cm and at that point I was tired and ready to "give up." If it was going to progress this slowing, I didn't think I had it in me to
I made the decision to have an epidural (which I had done with Ellie), and then we would start Potosin to increase contractions. Within a half hour, I was much more comfortable, and we sat and waited to see what the Potosin would do.
At about 4:45 the nurse checked me and much to our surprise, I was "complete" - meaning fully dilated and ready to push. She called Dr. Leeds and I had to call Jon & Abbi b/c they had just left to head up to the mall for a bit. They didn't make it to the mall (or to get my cookie!) -- and came right back. Abbi stayed in the room and took photos - Jon stayed in the hall. I think most brothers would do the same.
Three good pushes and Evelyn was here! She's got a sweet little puppy cry and has been really good. My mom was able to bring the kids all up around 6:30pm ... Ellie was VERY excited. The other 2 just ran around the room like crazies. But everyone was happy to see mommy! Billy slept at home and will be back up this morning after church. The nurses kept Evelyn for me last night. They brought her in twice to eat ... but I think I managed about 6 hrs of sleep or so.
Overall, we are both doing well. She'll see the peditrician this morning and we'll check out tomorrow morning. Then we have to get on the horn to get the stuff together to get her passport application in the mail by Wednesday. Thanks everyone for your well wishes, prayers, and support. It was fun to have feedback all day yesterday on Facebook.
Thursday, February 5
Baby needs a passport!
It's Thursday -- 3 days past my due date -- and everyone is a bit impatient around here. This is my first experience going past my due date, so I can't help but wonder if that darn date is wrong! Normally, we wouldn't be so anxious, but we have some deadlines looming ahead of us.
I earned a Pampered Chef trip to Riviera Maya Mexico -- and after much deliberation we made the decision a few months ago to take the trip and bring newborn baby with us. We leave March 1st -- 23 days away. The big snafu -- baby needs a passport! And baby isn't born yet! And passports take time! At least 2 weeks time. So, against my normal wishes, I've scheduled to induce on Saturday, February 7th (if she doesn't come before then) ... so that we can check out on Monday and get the passport application in the mail by Wednesday.
So I'm asking anyone reading this for prayers that baby comes before Saturday morning at 7am ... so that no extra measures need to be taken to induce labor.
Oh, and I got my first set of stretch marks this past week. Darn it -- why didn't she come early?! I guess she's making her mark on the world, even before she's born!
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