Evelyn is two weeks old today -- it's gone very quickly, as always. She is adjusting quite nicely to life outside the womb. Week one was hospital time and then getting acquainted with our house. Week two she really settled into her routine - which is sleeping and then eating every 3 hours. I've got her sleeping in her bed now at night - so that has been a huge help with me getting better sleep. I'm still up 2-3 times a night to feed her for half hour, but I won't complain about that - since she does usually go right back to sleep.
Last night was my first show back. I was gone about 4 hours and Billy said that Evelyn took the bottle well - she downed 4 oz - so I guess! And then she had another 4 oz just before I got home. I have another show today, and I'll be gone longer, but luckily she's not picky with how she gets her milk.
She really is a sweet, cuddly little thing. She'd be happy be held all day. So if anyone is wanting to snuggle a baby, come on over!
She just looks so warm and cuddly!...I'm willing to snuggle!