Sunday, February 8

Evelyn Bernice Faubus

Welcome to the world! Ah, she's blue!

Cute little foot

A little more pink color looks good on you.

Daddy, Mommy, & Evelyn

Miss Evelyn Bernice (after my maternal grandmother) Faubus was born Saturday, February 7th at 5:11pm. She was 8lbs - 7 oz and 20 inches long. My biggest baby by nearly a pound. She has quite a bit of blonde hair, really long finger nails, and her daddy's nose.

Here's how it all went down:
Since she decided to not come on her own, I was scheduled to come in to be induced on Saturday morning at Mary Greeley Hospital in Ames. Dr. Leeds came in around 8:20 and broke my water. I was 3cm at this point. Contractions did start within the hour, but nothing real regular or strong. Billy & I walked the halls and tried to keep busy while waiting. My brother and his wife, Abbi came around 10:30am to be with us for the day. Abbi is our photographer, and so she was here to get photos of the big day.

At 12:30 the doctor came back - I had only gotten to 4cm, and I was pretty disappointed. The contractions were getting more intense, and I wasn't sure if the hypnosis was going to work considering my comfort label. For the next 2 hrs, I did some more walking, took a bath, and did hypnosis -- when Dr. Leeds came back at 2:30, I was still at 4cm and at that point I was tired and ready to "give up." If it was going to progress this slowing, I didn't think I had it in me to

I made the decision to have an epidural (which I had done with Ellie), and then we would start Potosin to increase contractions. Within a half hour, I was much more comfortable, and we sat and waited to see what the Potosin would do.

At about 4:45 the nurse checked me and much to our surprise, I was "complete" - meaning fully dilated and ready to push. She called Dr. Leeds and I had to call Jon & Abbi b/c they had just left to head up to the mall for a bit. They didn't make it to the mall (or to get my cookie!) -- and came right back. Abbi stayed in the room and took photos - Jon stayed in the hall. I think most brothers would do the same.

Three good pushes and Evelyn was here! She's got a sweet little puppy cry and has been really good. My mom was able to bring the kids all up around 6:30pm ... Ellie was VERY excited. The other 2 just ran around the room like crazies. But everyone was happy to see mommy! Billy slept at home and will be back up this morning after church. The nurses kept Evelyn for me last night. They brought her in twice to eat ... but I think I managed about 6 hrs of sleep or so.

Overall, we are both doing well. She'll see the peditrician this morning and we'll check out tomorrow morning. Then we have to get on the horn to get the stuff together to get her passport application in the mail by Wednesday. Thanks everyone for your well wishes, prayers, and support. It was fun to have feedback all day yesterday on Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. So did good, Mom! I'm truly happy for you and your LARGE family!

    Love and hugs,

