We have a saying here at our house ... "going crazy!" Go figure. Here is the context. I'm dressed in something other than grungy clothes, my hair is done, and I look like I'm headed somewhere. A child will ask, "Mom, where you going?" If I happen to not be going somewhere, I usually respond, "Crazy."
Last night, we didn't have any plans - just supper with the two little girls because the big kids were at Tony's. Amelia asked, "Mommy, where are we going?" I responded, "Crazy." Because we weren't actually going anywhere and I was feeling a little crazy with my busy day.
About an hour later, at supper, Amelia was falling asleep in her food. I asked if she was tired and she said yes. Billy picked her up take her to bed and she cries out, "No, I don't want to go to bed, I want to go crazy!" I thought Billy and I were going to pee our pants. It was so funny. And then she kept saying it. "I want to go crazy. I want to go crazy." She thought crazy was a place, and that I was going there -- and she wanted to come too." Oh, sweetheart, you go crazy with me everyday!
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