Prayers were answered, and Miss Amelia Marie Faubus was born early Tuesday morning, May 22 at 1:23am. She weighed in at 7 lbs, 13 oz, and is 20.5 inches long. She has a bit of fuzzy blonde hair and a little round face.
I started having contractions after lunch on Monday. Even though we were very anxious, it was nice to have a day home to get some projects done and prepare for her. I cleaned the house, did the laundry, caught up in my office, hung some pictures on the wall, etc...maybe that's what put me into labor?!
Billy was excited to be able to start...and finish...a project in the backyard. I peeked outside periodically to tell him the progress, and then went back in the house. I think staying busy helped keep his mind off the coming attraction. And now the new grill "patio" is ready to be used.
We ate some dinner, knowing that it could be awhile before I was able to eat again, and after careful consideration as to where to watch the season finale of Heroes, we headed up to the hospital in Ames at about 7:00pm.
I used hypnobirthing again (did it with Jack) and it went well. I spent 95% of the labor listening to calming music in self-hypnosis. I think Billy felt a bit useless, but he did as I asked and just hung out waiting for the real action. I had a pretty intense contraction at 1:18 and it broke my water, the doctor came in and set up the bed, I pushed 2 times, and out she came at 1:23! So I can't complain of 5 minutes of uncomfort.
She has been a very good baby so far. Nursing is going well, minus the fact that sometimes she wants to sleep thru feedings. I'm sure that won't be the case in a few days. She doesn't fuss or cry much, and seems to enjoy just hanging out. Hopefully that continues when her brother and sister return and start taking up some of my time and attention.
Speaking of those two, they have been in Gowrie with Grandpa & Grandma Shepherd. Ellie will get to meet her sister tomorrow (Thursday) but Jack won't until probably Saturday. And Ellie will be off right away again with my sister to go camping for the weekend. We are blessed to have lots of family close to help out.
Keep the blog on your speed dial, as I'll try to post new pictures and any new adventures. New babies change so fast, and I'll want to keep it all documented! God has blessed me with another healthy child, and Billy the awesome experience of being a father. We are so thankful and honored to be given the privilege.
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