Jack, on the other hand, had a different reaction. We met Dennis & Jane in Boone for dinner, so we were at a restaurant when Jack saw her first. Amelia was asleep, and Jack just smiled at her and said, "Baby Sister." He stared at her for quite a bit, and then took his finger and poked her hand. When she stirred, he was quite amazed. I think he thought she was just a doll, since she wasn't moving. After dinner, again, he stared at her for a bit, and then poked her hand to make her move. It was hilarious! He just kept making sure she was alive and that she moved.
Since being home today, he hasn't really had much interest in her. He and Billy got up before us and they played quite a bit before we girls got out of bed. But he's just been busy all day playing and being his normal self.
I'm anxious (& a bit nervous) how next week will go when we jump back into our "normal" schedule. And starting in June we start a summer schedule with no school/daycare at all. Should be a busy summer!
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