Little Miss Evelyn is not so little! At her 6-month appointment earlier this month she ranked in the 65 percentile in both height and weight. This is a first for this mom. Most of my pip-squeaks are in the 10-15% at this age. I had to break out the 9-month sleepers for her. She also got her first two bottom teeth a few days ago. She's not crawling yet, but she can get around. She rolls, pivots, and creeps to get to where she's wants to go.
She started going to a sitter 4 mornings a week for a few hours. She's loving the attention at my friend, Malissa's, and is thriving on the routine. I am loving 12 hrs a week with no kids!! I'm hoping to devote all of this time to my office, but I'm still playing catch up on everything around here from a busy, busy summer!