Saturday, April 13

The Fast

One of the greatest blessings in my life is my women's bible study and the dedicated women in that group.  I started women's bible study for the first time about three years ago.  How is it that I, a regular church goin', worship singin', Jesus lovin' girl like me had missed the boat on women's bible study for so many years?

Billy and I had been part of groups and classes together, one of which being Alpha that we were dedicated to before we opened B Fabulous BBQ.  And we miss it desperately!  But with all the motherhood stuff I was doing -- I failed to make time for a group just for myself.  

Around that time, I was feeling a lot of guilt about not liking my kids.  I literally had counted the years until they would all be gone, how old I'd be at that time, and how I'd possibly survive until then.  I encountered many older women that said, "Oh, how fast it goes! Cherish this time."  Cherish?  Lady, I'd just like a moment to have a clear thought!

Then my friend, Cheryl, called me up and said, "I think God is calling me to facilitate a group here in town and start with a study on motherhood.  What do you think?"  I immediately encouraged her with a resounding, "YES!  I don't like my kids and I want that to change!"  I haven't missed a study yet!  And when I have to miss a night (which is ONLY when I'm out of town!) or when we take a break between studies, I feel like part of my life is missing.  It's so hard to describe.  I just miss it.  A lot.  And how do you miss something so much when it's never really been a part of your life?

Since then, I've fell in love with Beth Moore.  Oh, if I could have an ounce of the love that that girl has for Jesus!   I've dug deep with her into David, Esther, James, Luke and Daniel.  All have been amazing and each time I find a new respect and love for the Bible.  I've learned that I love the history in the Old Testament.  And the challenge to live a life Jesus exemplifies in the New Testament.

In each study, there is a message that God places on my heart.  In some way God uses either the author or the women that surround me to speak to me.  And there are times when I am - or am not - willing to listen.  During our study of Esther, I was really listening!  These were some of the things I heard at that time. And they were very specific to me about home school.

The bottom line is that without my dedication to bible study and my women's small group - I would not have taken the time to really listen to what God wanted to teach me.  What I would learn thorough prayer.  What I would be challenged with by other women.  Groups like this are essential to growth as a person and growth as a Christian.  You are faced with your sin, but allowed to be flawed and forgiven.

Most recently, we were not studying this book, but it was referred to me by a comrade in our group.  Thanks, Kristy!  My heart was already in a spot that I was wanting to purge, live with less, and teach my children an important lesson on necessity.  Ugh -- if I heard "I need ____!" one more time from my children! They need a swift kick in their spoiled butts!  After seeing the title, 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess, I was hooked!  I devoured the book and have fallen head over heels in love with Jen Hatmaker. (It's okay, it's just a crush. Beth won't be jealous.) She is the voice of the middle-class, Christian mom, but she's way more funny!  And very real.  (Since I ditched comparing myself to other women about a year ago -- I'll try not to regress.)

Normally, being the "let's go-dive right in" person that I am -- I was ready to recreate 7 immediately in my life and jump in without a thought, a plan, or a husband on board.  Luckily, I'm much more mature than yesterday, and have decided to break out a notebook, jot down some notes and check in with my other half for his opinions (read: groundedness) .

One of my favorite parts that Jen writes about is the discipline of the fast.  This is not a discipline that I've ever studied, experienced, or understood.  It was one of the most enlightening parts of the book and why I feel so called to try this experiment in my own life.  Jesus gave us examples of fasting.  And if Jesus does it, by George, I'm going to also!  This fast will bring me desperately close to Jesus as I take out distractions and focus more on living to glorify Him.

Special thanks to the work and commitment that Jen poured out to write 7.  I won't be using her guide - but instead I'll create my own based on things that I (and my family) need to work on in our lives.  I won't attempt to compare my writing abilities or thoroughness to 7.  That book was written!  This is my journey through the junk to become a person more like Jesus.  Just as Jesus invited the first disciples to come and see -- I invite you to come along and see what Jesus has in store for you!

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