I'm Deanna. Mom to Ellie 10, Jack 8, Amelia 6, and Evelyn 4. I don't have it all together. I don't create anything spectacular. You won't find anything cool here to post on Pinterest. I'm flawed, but loved. Loved by an amazing husband, 4 healthy, crazy children and most of all by a holy God that has mercy and grace.
Monday, December 11
Yucky, even if it isn't real!
Saturday nite we went out for pizza with friends and there is a pizza topping choice that is celery. So we were all talking about that and how gross that sounded. Ellie was sitting there...but not really part of the conversation.
On Sunday, Ellie was pretending to feed Billy imaginary foods. I remember broccoli and probably some other items. Then she offered something new. And Billy asked what is was. She said, "Celery!"
We both just started laughing. #1. She had no idea that he doesn't like celery. #2. It must have been the pizza conversation the night before for her to remember to even offer that food. As we rarely have celery in our house.
So Billy had to explain that he would not be eating the imaginary celery, b/c he didn't like it. A good laugh for the day!
Friday, December 8
Trip to California
The week of Thanksgiving, we had the joy of joining Billy on his trip to Southern Cal to visit his sister, Heather and her family. Her husband, Allen, is a Marine, and they live on base at Camp Pendleton.
With two kids in tow, we flew out of Omaha on Monday morning, and returned on Sunday evening. This was the kids first flight...and both our first flights with kids. If you think flying by yourself is exhausting...imagine lugging stroller & carseats, toys & snacks, and 2 toddlers thru the airport. They actually did very well, I think we were more worse for wear. Jack was more challenging than Ellie...which was to be expected. He is a terrible sleeper, outside of his comfort zone. So when he missed naps...he got crabby! And a crabby 19-month old on an airplane is not a pleasant sight!
Heather has 2 munchkins similiar in age to my kiddos. Nathaniel was 4 in April, and Kateland is just 2 months younger than Jack. So they all played wonderfully together. We spent most of our time at the house, but did get away one day to the San Diego Wild Animal Park, and one quick trip down to the beach. It was chilly...so not a time to be playing in the water all afternoon.
The pictures are of:
1. The two binky twins, Kateland & Jack, playing with the fridge toy.
2. Nathianel & Ellie peaking out of a hole at the Wild Animal Park.
3. Kateland & Jack watching ducks eat the feed.
4. Billy with the 2 crazies on the lillypad hop.
5. Billy with kids, trying to not get wet. As you can see...Ellie as already lost her shirt!
6. Us...and Ellie trying out for BayWatch.
7. Jack getting buried in the sand by Billy. He thought that was pretty funny!
Hope your Thanksgiving was equally special, sharing it with family & friends!
New Van!
Well, at the ripe "old" age of 27...I've had to give up my sweet sedan for a mini-van! I wouldn't have pictured myself with 3 kids before the age of 30...but God had other plans! So, with the exciting addition to our family next spring, we sold my car...and found a great deal in the little town next to Huxley.
The kids are most thrilled with the DVD player! And Ellie seems to think that the buttons that automatically open and close the side doors were made just for her. We are working on learning that it's not a toy! And she's was crushed to learn that when the baby came she'd have to sit in the back seat by herself. She wants the "brothers" to sit in the back, and the "sisters" to sit in the middle. She is still sticking to her guns on wanting both a brother and a sister. I keep telling her it'll be one at a time. But even so, brothers will be in the back, and the sisters up near mommy.
Tuesday, November 14
Exciting News!

Many of you are "in the loop" ... but in case you aren't ... I'll officially blog what is going on in my life. I wanted to keep this blog strictly to kids, and this does have to do with kids and affect my kids... so here you go.
1) I'm getting married! So I've shared a picture of Billy & I. We will be having a small ceremony in about a month, the weekend of Christmas.
2) He & I recently found out that we are pregnant! I am due mid-May. This being his first child...it's a very exciting time around here.
Ellie is very pumped about another baby. She wants another brother and a sister...and a dog. I told her just one at a time. And, of course, that I'm not having the dog myself.
The kids love Billy... and he is really great with them. God has answered many of my prayers ... and of course, not in a way that I expected/planned... but I'm learning to trust His plan for me and my family.
Sunday, November 12
Day at the Park

This is a bit over due, but I wanted to share some cute shots at the park earlier this month. This was prior to the 80-degree day we had here, and the snow day which was 2 days later. So just a normal Iowa fall day where the sun was shining and it was about 50-degrees out.
I just love the way the pictures turn out when they are outside in the sun and around all the vivid colors of the playground equipment. Moreover, the hats and coats frame their cute little faces in such away that one could stare at the pictures for hours. Well, at least their mom can!
Jack Rollerskates

The other day Ellie found a pair of roller skates that she got for Christmas last year. After she attempted again to try to move around in them, Jack decided he needed a try too. As you can see by the pictures, he spent more time on his rear-end then vertical. He had a good time...as they both always do on those skates that they have NO coordination yet to maneuver. It's a good inside activity to wear them out. I'll have to remember that mid-February when they are driving me nuts!
Ellie's 4th Birthday Party

Well, Ellie will be turning 4 on Tuesday! She had a party on Saturday with family and friends. I realized that my house isn't really cut out for big parties, like I'm used to! Luckily, we had the size of crowd we did. I'm not sure where we would have put anyone else.
Ellie received many wonderful gifts! Today she is wearing a new outfit and was spending the morning playing with Barbies and dolls. We had a Disney Princess theme, and although no one came dressed as a princess, we all had a great time!
The evening was followed by church where Billy declared his faith in baptism. Many of our family and friends stayed on for that event too. It made for a long day, but very fulfilling all around.
First Snowman

We had our first snowfall here in Huxley on Friday. What started as sleet and yuck in the morning, became a couple of inches of heavy wet snow by early afternoon. After getting Jack down to nap, Ellie and I headed out to have some fun. While I was on a mission to make a snowman, she had other ideas. 1) Eating snow was good...even if it had leaves in it. And 2) this is great snow for making snowballs. I got hit numerous times!
Our snowman, Frosty, so cleverly named by Ellie, looks more appropriately named, "Dirty" because of snow/leaf skin that seems too look even more awful today as he's starting to melt. But the carrot nose really makes him very authentic.
Friday, November 3

The kids had the priviledge to Trick-or-Treat 2 times this year. On Monday night with their dad in the Des Moines area, and then on Tuesday night in Huxley with us. I decided keep Jack home with me and greet the kids at the door, while Billy took Ellie out with our neighbors in our Huxley neighborhood. Our street wasn't super busy, but I was able to get rid of the candy I purchased.
Ellie was Superman both nights. Jack was a chicken the first nite, and a little Jr Clown with me on Tuesday night. They brought home loads of candy, which will probably last us until next year when the parade candy is free flowing in July. For Jack's first year, he did very well. He wasn't scared of the creepy masks...and caught on to the whole "go to the door and get candy" thing. It doesn't take long, does it?
I didn't take any pictures of the pumpkin carving...they really didn't want much to do with it. So I hurried and did it myself just an hour prior to Trick-or-Treaters ringing my bell. No time like the present! Overall, a good year....lots of fun as usual. We are looking forward to doing more spooky stuff in our yard next year!
Thursday, October 5
Bubba a Daddy?!
Today, to console a sad and very tired Ellie, I decided to share the exciting news that I was pregnant. She's been saying for some time that she wanted a sister and another brother. God willing...only one at a time!
After telling her, I asked her if she knew who the daddy of this baby was. After just a moment of thought, she responds, "Bubba!" I said, "No, no, your brother can't be a daddy." I then cleared everything up for her.
A Tree Conquered

To no surprise, Ellie has figured out that she can climb one of the trees in our front yard. She doesn't do it alone, thankfully.... she does ask that I come and help her a bit. But it won't be long before she knows she's completely capable of doing it herself. And what a great way for an older sibling to get away from the younger sibling and do something that they can't! I think my sister LOVED rubbing those sorts of things in my face.
A Picnic

Today was a beautiful day and we decided to have a picnic in the backyard. I made some peanut butter & jelly sandwiches and we had some grapes. Ellie thought this a fabulous idea and ate her whole plate gleefully. Jack, on the other hand, started out well, but once he realized he was not strapped in a seat found it more fun to play with his truck and in the sandbox than eat his lunch. He stuffed grapes and sandwich in his mouth as he walked by, but for the most part enjoyed the "being outside" part more than the "having a picnic" part!
We must take advantage of these nice days, as they will soon be turning bitterly cold. Oh, dreadful February/March when my kids are about ready to tear my hair out!
Oh, and I had to include the picture where Ellie really wanted to pose with her brother, and obviously, he did NOT!
Purse Prepared

Ellie, like many smart girls, is always prepared. Here she is actually asleep during her nap, with her purse wrapped around her arm! If you could see under the blanket, she's wearing her leotard and skirt also. Her daddy is going to take her & Jack to the park this afternoon. So she had to get dressed for the occasion. She did that while she was supposed to be sleeping. And now a bit later when I checked on her, she had her purse prepared too. Too funny!
Tuesday, September 19
The Importance of Our Head
Ah...the importance of our head...and our ability to burp.
Tuesday, September 12
Ellie to "School"

Ellie has started going to a daycare that does preschool activities. She goes on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for 3 hours. Jack accompanies her, but is in a different room with his age group. For him, it's some much needed time being social with other kids and being away from the mama.
Last week, Ellie's class talked about tools, and she made her very own tool belt....complete with a hammer, screwdriver, and wrench. She's very proud that 1) she colored on it (it's construction paper), and 2) it has her name on it. This week they are talking about grocery shopping and she was super pumped to take in some empty boxes of stuff that I saved to share with the class.
She is really enjoying it and talks about going to "school" all the time. I think she's met some friends, but her teacher says that she does tend to play on her own. I'm sure that will change! Jack is doing okay...he still isn't so sure about being left by mom for 3 hours. But his room leaders assure me that he stops crying as soon as I leave.
Today, when I picked them up their classes were both outside....but Jack's is fenced into a different area than his sister's. He doesn't like that one bit. He wants to be out playing with her. It's a good thing that I arrive shortly after they get out there...otherwise, I think he'd just stand at the fence longing to be with Ellie. Poor little guy!
Shoe Obsession

For those of you that don't know... Jack has a shoe obsession. He loves to put on his own shoes, he likes to play with other peoples shoes, and he also manages to spend a considerable amount of time in my closet playing with shoes. When we are at a store, if we happen by the shoe aisle, he has to stop! If I try to walk by, he pitches a total fit. And so if we do stop and try some on, then he has to have them. I've now learned not to waltz by the shoe aisle. I think he is getting this trait from his Aunt Nicki, who also has a terrible weakness for shoes. Here he is playing with one of Nicole's shoes.
Thursday, August 24
Fun with Bubba

It is a beautiful day today, so before I put Jack down for his nap, I took him outside for a little fun time in the yard. I must admit...normally I'm not this good of a mom. I'm usually scrambling around to get things done in the house and trying to convince him that playing outside by himself is the best thing in the world. I usually lose...and after a screaming fit, I'm forced to put down my "agenda" and get outside. Today I was smart...I skipped the tantrum and went right on out to the playing.
Here are some good pics of him on the swingset. I didn't get the photo of him attempting to climb up the slide, which he's getting very good at...b/c I was trying to hold him so as he didn't fall. Darn it...he's just so stickin' cute! Happy Thursday to ya'll!
Fried Green Tomatoes

When you date someone from the South, you get exposed to new kinds of foods. Not that people in the Midwest don't eat fried green tomatoes...but I guess I think of the famous movie, breaded greasy food...and just good southern cooking. So yesterday when Jack got into the garden and started picking tomatoes left & right, red AND green...I knew that we'd have to do something with them.
Billy to the rescue! He fixed 'em up right...and the kids loved them. Here are some pictures of us all gobbling them down. Next on the menu is fried okra. Maybe we will get Jack up to 25 lbs before he's 2?!
Wednesday, August 9
Peek-a-boo Hair

As a mother, one is always needing to be inventive. Especially when there is a crabby kid and a shortage of toys. Here I am playing Pee-a-boo...with my hair. I knew there was a reason that I grew it out. I think he sat and did this with me for about 20 minutes.
Lately, the biggest challenge I have with Jack is car rides. An active 16-month old HATES to be strapped in his seat. On my 80-minute drive to my parent's house, he screams off and on for about 60 minutes of it. It's a nightmare! Poor Ellie...she trys to appease him, but we are both out of ideas. The other night she was exceptionally quiet, I asked her what was wrong. She responded, "I'm sad." I couldn't imagine what about, so I asked why for. "Because Bubba is screaming." It's making both of us nuts.
Even a quick trip up to Ames to run an errand can have me running to the liquor cabinet as soon as I return home. Luckily, I don't have a liquor cabinet...
Sunday, July 30
Organizer & Cleaner

Ellie is taking on some very good traits that her mother has. Recently two incidences really pointed this out.
She has these Disney books on tape that we listen to in the car, because it's the only tape deck I own. Plus, it's a great way to keep her occupied. Jack & I aren't too sure we enjoy listening to the story of Aladdin & Ariel all the time, but it's something to do.
Anyways, the other day she said, "Hey, Mom, look! This side is princesses and this side isn't."
She had organized the tapes in the box by whether or not they were a princess story (Cinderella, etc) or not (winnie the pooh, jungle book, etc.). She was so proud of herself. And so was I!
Also, yesterday, she was to be napping...and when I went in to check on her she wasn't sleeping. I asked her what she was doing. "I'm picking up my room! Abbijon (nickname for my brother and his girlfriend) is coming and I need to have my stuff picked up." And there is was...a neat and tidy room...beds made...not a toy out of place.
Let's hope these great traits make it thru the teenage years!
Monday, July 24
Model & Photographer

Did you know that we have a professional photographer and high fashion model in our family! The model is none other than our beautiful niece, Lilah...here she is posing for the photographer. Although Ellie is just a rookie...she does manage to get the model to pose just right for the shot. I'm sure it'll make the cover of the next Toddler Weekly!
A little back story, this was the evening of Jack's 1st bday, and Prom in Ames. We had just finished getting pictures of Nicole (our sitter) in her prom dress. Ellie & Lilah thought she looked like a princess! Afterwards, Ellie grabbed the camera and shot all these pictures of Lilah all on her own. I didn't even realize she did it until the next day when I was scanning the photos of the party. Hilarious!
Dressing Up

As with all kids...dressing up is usually the most fun thing to do when you are cooped up in the house. Jack does look quite cute in the too big nitegown of his sister....but probably not something the men in his life would like to see him wearing in the years ahead.
I'm always facinated by the growing imaginations of my kids. Whether it's the songs and stories that Ellie shares (or shouts), or the sound effects that Jack manages to make up for different trucks and toys.
A Princess or Superman seem to be the most frequent visitors at my house. Jack isn't quite old enough to imagine or dress up...but Ellie does usually manage to get him into the story.
Thursday, July 20
Sweet Sister

Each nite as I put Ellie to bed, we have a bit of a routine. We read a couple of books, she gets into bed and we say prayers. Then she usually has some things to say...or we say, "Guess what? I love you!" back and forth.
Tonite I asked her what the best part of her day was...she responded thoughtfully, "I like Bubba." (her brother) She asked, "Do you like Bubba?" I said, yes, of course. She asked, "Does Daddy like Bubba?" I said, yes, of course. She commented, "Everyone likes Bubba!" I said, "Yes, and everyone likes you too." Confidently, she said, "I know."
Gotta love her.